Products: HydraPak Stash 750ML

HydraPak Stash 750ML

Product Code: 54966
0 Reviews




    Twist to collapse down to 1/4 of it’s filled size when empty, minimizing the space it takes up in your pack


    Compact and convenient, 50% lighter than most hard bottles

  • Easy Carry

    Flexible bail handle for comfortable carrying and easy attachment


    Twist to collapse down to 1/4 of it’s filled size when empty, minimizing the space it takes up in your pack


    Compact and convenient, 50% lighter than most hard bottles

  • Easy Carry

    Flexible bail handle for comfortable carrying and easy attachment

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Welcome to utility and design in harmony. Essential equipment for every adventurer, the Stash 750 flattens for maximum room in your pack. Expands for use on the trail. It’s compact, flexible and 50% lighter than a hard bottle. Construction with purpose.